Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Eunice and Wenbin's Wedding Dinner 21 Dec 2008

Eunice and Wenbin's Wedding Dinner @ Shangri La - 21 Dec 2008

It's been a crazy week, with so much work to do with my colleagues out from office and Eunice & Wenbin getting married!

Cindy, Steph and I stayed over at Eunice's house on fri nite to prepare the food for the gatecrashing games and we slept only at 3am...Woke up at 5am the next day and we were so darn tired!! By afternoon, after the tea ceremony and church wedding, we were practically exhausted and i was just stoning haha..

Jie Meis dressed in white

At the church wedding

Went back to slp after that and I was knocked out till dinner time lol.

Sun nite was the wedding dinner at Shangri La and here are the pics! The ballroom is v nice, with all the hanging chandeliers and the service is quite good (although it wasnt a surprise lol)..

Got our hair styled by Eunice's hairdresser and i love the way she curled my hair tresses!

nice curls rite??haha

Outside the ballroom

With Cindy - nice pic of us ;)


With Kelvin who was the MC! he dressed until so formal and talked so seriously that everybody wasnt used to it hahaha

Acting cute lol

With Steph, Lynn

With the chew family lol - 3 peas in a pod rite??

Wedding favours - salt and pepper set wrapped prettily with a white flower patterned box with pink ribbons

Pretty maidens in a row

Got another wedding dinner coming up and tis time it's Christine's!! more pics to come >.<

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