Monday, December 8, 2008

Brrr the weather today is so cold. It's been raining the whole day and it feels like im overseas haha. But i like it ;p

It's a public holiday today so it's nice to relax and just bum around. Yest nite we met up with Limin and my bro for jap anime movie Sky was so long and too draggy imo :/ We had a nice dinner though at Crystal Jade Kitchen at Plaza Sing before the movie..

Crystal Jade - their roast duck is yummy ;p

After the movie, Limin and Kelvin wanted to drink more beer (what's new haha) so we went to Kopitiam near Hotel Rendevous..

its quite nice to sit outdoors and have drinks there actually. Def cheaper than going to a pub or bar for drinks..Now recession must save $ haha.

The other day i was bored and had some fun with my pics ;p

Look i've just released a new album and Paris Hilton is holding up my new CD album!

Poster of us plastered on a wall

I know very boh liao rite?lol..

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