Thursday, October 9, 2008

We are considering to send dad to a daycare centre now instead of a nursing home. He keeps telling me he wants to go home and im quite sure that if we send him to a nursing home, he will make a big scene at the nursing home and tell us he wanna go home. I mean i can understand it wont be easy for him, being in an unfamiliar environment and everything, cannot do whatever he wants..Sighz.. If it's me, i also cant imagine not being able to go back to my home and i have to live in a strange new place, with other strangers..

Also, i think he will be very upset tat he has to wear the patient's uniform at the nursing home becuz he keeps wanting to change to his own clothes..the social worker did say that he has some problems understanding reasoning and logic due to the stroke, that's why he acts like this..

Jie and i think that for now, we will put him in a daycare during the weekdays and he can just come home at nite to least he gets to go back home at nite..on weekends, he will just have to stay at home...The daycare option is good because he gets to interact with other old pple and have some exercise, therapy...Instead of just staying at home and staring blankly at the tv..However, when his condition gets worse, we will have to put him in a nursing home..We have short listed a few nursing home options but have to visit them to find out how their facilities are like..

Have made a few calls to the daycare centres near to our house in Yishun and the charges are very expensive! About 700-800 a month (unfortunately we dont qualify for subsidy at all), and we would still need to pay for dad's other living expenses like arranging for the dinner delivery service, and other expenses for him. But i guess we have to work out something, no choice..i think we shd be able to manage, i just have to save up less a month. Luckily my school loan is finishing soon, so i can better manage my expenses!

Sighz. I hope i can settle everything so busy nowadays coz of this and have to visit dad often at the hosp so he wont feel paranoid that we are abandoning him or something..i feel sad for dad too, im sure he's feeling terrible about having to lie in bed the whole day except when he goes for therapy for 1 hour. I really dont like the way the nurses treat the patients at the AMK TTSH community hospital, they like dont have any empathy or patience for the patients..mebbe they r jaded lor and onli doing it for the $...then they shouldnt be in this line rite?? hmm but then again, not many pple wanna be in this line esp Singaporeans...nowadays the nurses are all foreigners e.g. filipinos, chinese nationals..

Anyway what i think is, dont ever be middle class in Singapore. Be rich or poor, but dont be middle class..cuz you are not rich enough to pay for the huge bills, but yet not poor enough for the govt to take care of u.

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