Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Leaving for Japan tomorrow and having mixed feelings.

Excited cuz its the first time im going there and yet im very worried about dad when i'm away. I think im worrying too much but i cant help it. Im just scared when im away something bad will happen to dad or something...My bro says that he should be able to cope when im away but im still worried leh..It's been quite tiring for us since dad was discharged last sat and basically i feel that we've gone through a battle or war or something..

we're trying our best to do whatever we can for dad to let him stay at home, im crossing my fingers that it will work out but in the meantime, it will be a struggle to make dad listen to us..cuz he keeps doing things his way and in the process, it makes it v difficult. He's fallen so many times since sat and im worried that this will continue.

I'm really amazed though that there are such nice pple out there. There's this lady who stays near my house, somehow she knew dad when she saw him downstairs and she's been visiting him occassionally and buying food for him. She's a christian and she's really very nice to dad even though she doesnt even know him! i told her that between 4pm plus till the time we return from home, there's nobody at home, and asked her if it was possible to drop by sometimes just to check on dad and she readily agreed! im so relieved and happy..because i was considering other alternatives like paying for this home care service which is quite good but costly at the same time..Our cleaning lady is also v nice to dad and buys lunch for him..she's the one that told me about the christian lady and asked me to call her when i told her about dad's situation.

My friends, kelvin, colleagues and people around me have all been very supportive and im really glad for their support..my manager too, she's been so ready to lend a listening ear and offered solutions when i told her about dad..Really thankful to God for putting these people around me.

Hoping that everything will be ok when i'm gone, really praying hard. >.<

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