Wanna see someone drunk and sitting on a trolley??lol
Tah dah!

muahahahaha..too bad the video which eunice took was deleted accidentally!! if not i'll post it up haha
Cam-whoring in the ladies toilet on F.Diamond.

Some ang moh tot i was one of the organisers cuz of the lanyard i was wearing and asked me for directions hahaha..
Met up with Kat, her bf, miguel, miguel's gf and kenneth at The Village at The Heeren for dinner on fri nite..
I bought the rosti with sausage and egg...damn filling, couldnt finish it man...oya we saw Felicia Chin there! She looks quite pretty in real life haha..after that we went to play pool at East Coast...
My cousin Zhenwei came over to stay at my granny's hse and i brought him to eat macs on sat morning haha..i was just telling him he's so fat now, he better slim down..he's like 58 kg and only in Pri 5 this year!! ard 10 kg more than me *faint* He told me his classmates were all fat too! somehow the school put them all tog in the same class..thats like so evil rite??haha...anyway he's quite funny and adorable lah haha..
Started pouring and we were caught in the rain so had to wait at Macs until ah ma came with the umbrellas to rescue us. Saw this indian man who was the delivery guy for the MacDonalds, it was raining so heavily but he still had to make the delivery on his motorbike, so poor thing..dun tink he earns that much somemore..
took a pic with zhenwei, look how big he is now!!

Steph's bday was on Sat nite and we went to Party World ktv at Orchard. Me and Kelvin bought this black mango bag for her wor, veri nice~

Making plans to meetup with the rest

Me and Eunice

K prince 1

K prince 2
Both of them very absorbed in singing

Eunice and steph

our attempt to take a cute pose haha
Reached home around 3.30am, so tired!
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