My granny started exclaiming loudly over the phone and i was wondering wat was happening (i had a morbid thought that one of my relatives had passed away, dun ask me why haha)
Found out there was a blazing fire at the wet market/hawker centre near my house!! My uncle stays near to the market and when he got home from work, he saw the gigantic fire. Anyway my mum and I always go to this hawker centre for lunch after church on sundays and its very near my mum's working place. So very close to our heart.
My granny and mum decided to go down and take a look themselves and they jio me i tagged along and we tottered down to the market to take a look (its only 1 bus stop away). From the distance, we could already see the white smoke rising to the sky.
OMG. The whole market was razed down in 15 mins by the humongous fire!! On our way there, we saw other people walking there too and there was this ah pek who was walking away from the market. He told us "Gone in 15 mins, everything is burnt down" in hokkien..Long zhong boh liao or something like that.. That made us walk even faster to the market and take a look haha (kaypoh singaporeans rite?lol)
When we reached there, there was so many people there already..all standing around, talking about the fire..the fire had been put out already but there was still alot of smoke. There were fire engines, police cars, Citygas and SP (Singapore Power not Singapore Poly) vehicles were there as well...dunno wat the Citygas and SP doing there though haha
Check out the crowd...

Huge clouds of smoke rising up into the sky

People standing around, some stall owners..other residents (kay pohs like moi) lol

Area cordoned off by SCDF

Wah very exciting, never seen such a huge fire before. Ok i technically didnt see the fire but still!! I saw what was left of the stalls from a distance and the metal was all twisted like rubber...Very scary
The stall owners very poor thing though, alot of them lost alot of money in the fire cuz of the equipment. I have a distant relative who owns an ice kachang stall there (converted to drinks stall at nite). He managed to rescue some cigarette packets out but not all. Think he lost quite alot of money..
Then we saw another another relative (my grandfather's brother) who was standing at the crowd there too and talked to my mum/granny in hokkien. (Hmmm how come I have so many relatives but i dunno them?? my granny like knows alot of people in my neighbourhood leh)
He was saying that he was drinking beer with his friends when the fire started. At first, they thought it was just a small fire in part of the market there but within minutes, the fire spread and grew bigger. Soon it consumed the whole market! Luckily nobody was hurt haha..I can just imagine those hawkers were just thinking of tomorrow's business and then suddenly this thing happened then..suddenly dont need to work is so unpredictable man. Like u can be alive one day and the next day, you can be dead.
Ok i think im morbid lol.
Oh yeah, when we walked back home around 11pm after the excitement,my granny saw another old neighbour's son on the way (he was going to see the market too). AND near my block downstairs, my granny talked to someone she knew also who was on his way to drink kopi with his friends. She told him about the fire and i think he went to see the market after that haha.
Ok i think my granny knows 69o8797 people in my neighbourhood haha.
Haha... very drama rite.... think your ah ma knows every neighbour in AMK. LOL
haha yah i know! she very happening hahaha
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