Sunday, October 7, 2007

Grrr feeling very irritated with my work recently.

Feeling frustrated for being stuck in a job that i dont really like but pays well (and helps pay the bills of course). Sometimes it aint that bad but the last few weeks have been extremely frustrating, especially when i have deal with assignees who are just plain dumb or demanding. Sometimes i lie in bed at nite thinking and can't sleep because im thinking about my work and how to solve the issues...crap..

Why cant i find a job that i like and the pay is good??am i demanding too much? I know i shd count myself lucky becuz i dont have to work late hours, i got nice colleagues and a great manager. But its times like these that make me wonder if im in the wrong job. Sighz.

The company is also going through a rough patch now with mgmt undergoing alot of changes and now we dont even have a HR person cuz both the HR manager and director in HK left. So yeah, not really sure of the prospects of my company, seems a lil rocky to me frankly. But i guess i'll stick it out for least for a while until i really think about what i want to do with my career. aiyo, why cant i be those successful career women who know what they wants in their life and are passionate about their work? I wish i could just throw myself in a job that i really am enthusiastic about and really make a difference instead of just being a nanny to all these whiny and demanding expats who do not care two hoots about saving money for their companies.

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