Sunday, April 10, 2022

LQ Dental- in clinic teeth whitening

Have been thinking of trying out in clinic teeth whitening for the longest time ever and finally decided to take the plunge recently to just do it!

I enquired about the pricing at my dental clinic at Novena (LQ Dental) and it costs about 1.5k which included a take home kit.

So last Friday, I took half day off from work and headed to the dentist for the procedure.

The whole teeth whitening process took about 2 hours plus (including the filling which I did to replace my previous metal filling) and it was relatively painless except that my throat felt a little dry and uncomfortable towards the end of the session.. 

Here are the before and after pictures of the results!

Tooth coloured filling to replace my awful metal filling which I had for years (goodness knows why my previous dentist chose a metal one last time)

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