Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy 2009!!

It's the start of a new year and as Oprah put it aptly " Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right".

Here are the pics from Christine's wedding :)

Christine's Wedding @ Holiday Inn Park View - 26 Dec 08

Sha and I were Christine's jiemeis for her wedding, taken in her room while she was waiting for the groom to come haha

Took a pic with Sha but the pic's abit cut off :/

The rest of the pics taken during the games session and during the day are with Christine's photographer, hopefully we'll get the chance to see the pics!

Updated 20 March

Jiemeis with the wedding couple

After the tea ceremony, we headed for the hotel..i was feeling tired cuz i didnt sleep well the nite before at Christine's house..must be the starbucks coffee i had that nite!!

Sha and I got someone to do our hair and makeup @ $50 per pax..the make up artist Diana came with another helper Jieyun to do the hair and they were pretty okay..i think the previous hairstylist i used for Eunice's wedding was better..but i must say they are pretty friendly and cute haha

Waiting with Christine for the dinner to start so that she can do her first march in

MGS girls - Singwen, Hongyuan, Sha, me and Shimin

Hongyuan, Sha and me

The girls, i think the makeup artist did sha's makeup quite nice that nite!

Best friends hugz~

Christine's on honeymoon with her hubby in Japan now, hope they are having fun!!


Btw, i really love 小娘惹 (the little nonya) show..its so exciting, i always try to catch it every night haha.

I think it's of the best ch8 mediacorp shows produced in a long long time (with the exception of a few good drama series like The Perfect Cut)! When the show first started, i wasnt too interested and didnt really follow it but after watching one episode one day, i got hooked on it. Apparently, its the most expensive set to date by Mediacorp.

While watching the show, you just get immersed in the peranakan culture - the peranakan people (babas and nonyas), their food (i picked up names such as babi ponteh, assam ponti and ayam buah keluak) and their costumes (Jeanette Aw looks so good in the kebaya, i have to say better than the other actresses in the show), traditions etc featured in the drama. I must say this time round, the producers really paid lots of attention to the minute details, even the stitching on the kebayas and beads on the shoes are so intricate!

Among the characters in the show, I like Chen Xi who is so dedicated to Yueniang and so intelligent haha. I also like Pierre Png's acting in this show, his chinese has improved so much compared to previous shows haha. I hate Robert Zhang and Zhenzhu cuz they are just so evil hahaha..looks like the actors' acting are really good, such that they make u hate them so much even though it's just a show!

The show's ending soon though, what a pity..well i hope there will be a part 2 next time lol.

Click on the pic below to watch the Tok Panjang episode where the girls prepare the dishes and sewing to compete to become Xi-er's wife (episode 20). Super nice haha.

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