Friday, February 10, 2023

Visit for weight loss at Dr Keith Ong - Parsons Medical Clinic Orchard

So recently last Fri I met up with my ex colleague and realised that she lost weight! 

Have been wanting to lose weight for the longest time ever (I tried intermittent fasting and exercising for so long but no effect sobz) and asked her how she did it and she shared she went to see this doctor who prescribed her weight loss medication. She said she has been taking the medication for about a year and the most weight loss was around 4th month mark.

I couldnt wait and made an appointment to see the doc on Sat. Then after that i changed my mind and went to see the doc after work on Mon cuz i couldnt wait!

At the clinic, the staff weighed me (omg I'm so fat 55kg!) and took my height measurements. Then I waited only for a few mins before I saw the doctor- Dr Keith Ong. He was quite funny and i told him i wanted to go back to my old weight (50kg) and he told me that i should be able to lose some weight with the medication he will give me. He said I should lose about 2.5kg in a month and if not, I should come back for Vit D injection! 

Interestingly, he said not to drink too much water but take isotonic drinks instead of water. He also said ok to take sugary drinks hmmm..No fruits and soybean drink also!

Medication: 3 pills of Panbesy (15mg) + 30 days of Duromine (30mg) and Garbaslim (fat burner)

Day 1 to 3: Took 1 pill of Panbesy daily with 2 pills of Garbaslim. Had some side effects and can't sleep well till 2am+ . Woke up in middle of night and hard to fall back alsp.

Today is my 4th day and just started the Duromine. I have to say I feel slightly lighter already but I'm not sure if it's just psychological 😅 I weighed myself and I seem to have lost 0.5kg (using my own weighing scale at home).

Keeping my fingers crossed that I will lose more weight in next couple of weeks!! Super excited at the thought of losing weight!😆😆😆


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