Monday, September 14, 2009

Europe Trip - Swiss

I'm back from my trip! Finally got time to write this blog entry haha.

Have been trying to recover from my jet lag, didn't sleep a wink during the 11 hour journey home to Singapore. We touched down on Fri afternoon and the moment i got back home, I conked out till dinner time then had dinner with Kelvin and his family at Red Dot @ Dempsey.

It's been a really enjoyable and fun trip (the only really sad thing was that i spoiled my beloved Lumix camera but that's another story later).

We took the long plane ride to Lausanne (see our excited faces lol)

ok our faces wilted along the way after the many hours on the plane lol. The food was quite good, service was excellent as expected. The selection of movies on the inflight entertainment system wasnt that fantastic but ok i guess. I watched a couple of movies and tried to sleep but didnt manage to get much sleep just a couple of hours here and there.

After landing at the Zurich airport, we somehow managed to find our way to the train station and bought tix for the train to Lausanne.

On the train from Zurich to Lausanne

Jie and Maurizio picked us up from the train station when we arrived early in the morning which was v nice of them.

Mum and Ah ma were impressed by the amazing view from the balcony of their apartment. They spent a good amount of time sitting at the balcony and gazing at the city lights throughout our whole trip there haha.

Mum and ah ma happily sitting in the balcony

With Jie, she looks so tanned besides me. I look positively white in comparison lol.

Random shot of Jie and Mum in the kitchen

This pic of Jie showing all her gold jewellery gifts is hilarious!!

We did some shopping at the city centre near Saint Francois (haha i came to Lausanne so many times i'm so familiar with the place there already). Of course the first shop i wanted to go was: H&M!!!

With my loot from H&M. Even Mum bought a black umbrella from H&M haha

Jie and momo treated us to a nice lunch - red wine fondue!

Here is how you eat it: You pierce the meat (we ordered horse meat and chicken for ah ma) through a metal tong and twirl it around so that it won't fall off.

Then you dip the meat into the delicious bubbling wine fondue made from a secret receipe (we think its red wine mixed with onion and some other stuff) and you eat the meat after it's cooked.

Next: You add the different sauces to the meat and voila! It comes with fries which was a good accompaniment for the dish.

We went to Ouchy to walk in the garden and there were many pretty flowers there.

Gigantic flower clock

Flowers in all sorts of colours - pink, yellow, white, red, orange etc

Is this pic i took of the lake like a postcard or what?heh

For lunch, we wanted to go to a hotdog stand and buy some hotdog buns but it was closed. So we bought pizza from a nearby cafe instead.

We bought anchovies, aubergine and salami pizza

Dessert tarts on display for sale, look so yummy

Jie and Maurizio opened up all our gifts and ang pows from our family and friends.

Ang pow

Gift from Guanyin


Jie and Maurizio's wedding was a grand affair filled with happiness, love, laughter in the air mingled with well wishes from everyone who loved them. Everybody looked they were having fun during the wedding~

On the wedding day morning, the hair stylist and makeup artist came to the house to do Jie's hair. Mum decided to do up her hair too haha.

Stylists hard at work

I like Jie's kimono silk wrap!

Accessories used for the wedding day

So pretty!!

Cleo helping with the garter belt for Jie - apparently from what Jie said, its swiss tradition for the bride to throw the garter belt after the wedding and the guy who caught it will get married next! If i didnt hear wrongly that is lah haha.

All ready and prepared to go to the church for the wedding!

We split up in two cars, Jie and Maurizio went in Aldo's car with Mum and Cleo drove me and Ah Ma to Lutry where the church wedding ceremony was held.

Beautiful stained glass on the inside of the church

Maurizio's mum - tears of joy

Waiting for the ceremony to start.

Finally, it was time....Mum walked down the aisle with Jie with a big smile on their faces and it was so touching. Later i asked mum if she was nervous when she walked down with everybody looking and she said she wasnt scared at all lol. My cousin Guanyin saw the pics and said that she's never see mum so dressed up so nicely before hahaha :p

Jie looked so beautiful and everybody said the same thing to her when they saw her!

So sweet :)

The crowd starting shouting "bacio" which means kiss in italian so Jie and Maurizio had to give a big kiss in front of the crowd and everybody cheered after that haha.

Kissing friends and relatives who attended the wedding, Maurizio has so many relatives and friends!!

With Maurizio's auntie and her husband from Italy

Wedding car

After the church ceremony, the cocktail reception and dinner was held at Montreux and the hotel overlooked the lake which was beautiful.

On the way to the hotel in the car

Grand Hotel Suisse

Jie was so nice, she booked 2 hotel rooms for us. It must have been v ex, feel quite bad that she spent so much on the hotel rooms! My hotel room had a fantastic view of the lake from the balcony :)

There was finger food and sushi served for the cocktail reception, the sushi never tasted so good to us before lol. Guess we missed asian food alot!

Took some pics with mum and ah ma cuz we were abit bored after a while lol.

This nice lady came over to talk to us. Although she could only speak french and didnt understand english or mandarin, we talked abit here and there. It was quite funny, in the end we still didnt know who she was!

Later we found Jie and took some pics with her heh.

Mum and Jie look v happy in this pic ;p

i like this pic of us!

There were musicians playing italian songs which made the mood very jovial.

The brother of Momo's mom Antoinella (i think that's how her name is spelled) is such a cheerful and hilarious old man. He loves to sing along and dance to the music. He made everybody laugh, even ah ma and mum loved him haha.

Took a pic with Faith, Jie's colleague

This cute little girl came up to the lady in pink who was sitting down and the girl went to kiss the lady's knee!

Group pic

After the cocktail reception, we went inside to the hotel ballroom for the dinner. The ballroom was v grand and cozy inside.

Doesnt my sis look lovely???

The menu for the dinner - 4 course dinner followed by coffee and dessert

Foie gras with shrimp

Risotto - didnt like this that much lol

Beef with potatoes

Dessert - Cake stuffed with berries

I'll let the remaining pics tell the story of what happened for the remainder of the nite! :)

My thoughts after the wedding, my sister has so many colleagues, friends and relatives who genuinely like her alot.

The relatives of Maurizio from Italy and Switzerland who came to congratulate Jie and maurizio during the wedding seemed to love Jie so much, they hugged and kissed her and i could tell that they were v warm and friendly. (btw they were all lovely to us, v friendly and kissed us on both cheeks as they do in Europe). i think Ah ma said jokingly she never kissed so many pple in her life before!)

Of course needless to say, Aldo, Valerie, Antoinella, Patrick, Nathan..they all love her to bits. I can see it in their eyes and the way they talk to her. Jie's colleagues came to talk to me and I could tell that they liked working with her and having her around in the workplace. Lastly, I can tell that Maurizio really loves my sis which is the most impt thing that matters.

I'm so proud of my sis that she's so well-liked by everybody - who wouldnt? She's such a sweet girl, so friendly, caring, wise, will go to all lengths to help someone, beautiful..She's always there for me, giving me advice on my career, love life etc. During our trip, she took such good care of us, always making sure that ah ma and mum were not too tired, helping to carry stuff, planning the whole trip for us.

Her inner character makes her shine from the inside out and when you know her as a friend/colleague/relative, in my opinion one just cant help but like her. That's my Jie for you :)

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