Saturday, September 20, 2008

Random Pics

Buffet Dinner at Conrad hotel

Wenbin arranged this dinner and he's working there, so he has the staff discount haha. If not, the buffet will cost ard 60 per pax i think..

I love the prawns, very fresh and juicy. The crayfish was so so only though

Duck leg confit with pasta and roasted capsicums

Cousin's birthday

It was Peilynn's bday and xiaoyi organised a bbq at her house at Serangoon. Most of the cousins came, even my bro haha..

Guess who is that playing with my 2 cousins?? Kelvin lol.

With their bday presents - whenever any of the 2 cousins have bdays, we need to buy 2 presents cuz the other will feel left out haha

Dinner at Oosters

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