Friday, July 18, 2008

I've heard some news about my colleagues in my office recently and it really saddens me.

I had this ex-colleague in another dept who had breast cancer last year and she had gone for chemo and radiotherapy treatments. She was v optimistic and kept telling us she was looking forward to coming back to the office after she recovered. She told us that she was coming back around Feb/March this year. Then i realized that she didnt come back yet but didnt think much of it..

But recently, i was talking to some of my colleagues and they told us that she had a relapse. Tis time, she had cancer at her neck sad rite?? then they saw her recently and she really looked very frail and skinny. Then, my colleagues also told me that there was another guy in their dept that had also left the company suddenly due to health reasons, and it's not a minor illness. It was stress induced the doc said...Then i recalled there was another ex-colleague (who has alr left) and she had to remove her thyroid gland due to stress too!! So scary :(

its like so saddening! these people work so hard in their jobs and long hours..but in the end, they developed health problems due to stress.. its seriously not worth it to sell your soul for any company..because at the end of the day, money can never gain back your health. The company is not going to let you keep working when u are sick, u will have to stop work and incur high medical bills for your illness..oh man, i promise not to work so hard until is the most impt thing that any person can have..esp so when i see dad..he was telling the doc the other day that the stroke caused such a major diff to his life and because of the stroke, it is so inconvenient for him to do anything now..sighz, life is seriously depressing sometimes man..

Anyway, here is a couple of pics which i took with Kelvin recently at UE Square while waiting for our friends to arrive at Mohd Sultan lol..dont ask why we were there lol..

I think Kelvin looks nice in the blue shirt which jie bought from H&M for him! Jie has good taste in clothes haha (:

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