Out of the 5 jiemeis, 3 (including me) were sick so it was actually quite jialat..we were all popping lozenges like sweets to sooth our sore throats, and coughing like hell...one of the jiemei, Connie, was the MC for the wedding dinner at nite and when she spoke, her voice was so hoarse..super poor thing!
We didnt have much sleep (3-4 hours) the night before, we all slept over at PX's hse on friday nite and we only slept around 1am. Then we had to wake up at 5am!!

PX's mum prepared nice food for the guests in the morning (this was early in the morning at 6am!) I love the pretty pink and white wall, they painted it esp for the wedding

The bridal makeup artist came at 6am to do Px's makeup!

Taking a break from the makeup - the bride and makeup artist eating breakfast haha..Check out the coke bottles with lemon. It's actually a disgusting concotion of bittergourd juice inside the coke bottles for the tekan session for the bridgegroom and his xiong dis hahaa..

Jiemeis helping PX to get ready before the bridegroom arrives at her house

Ta dah! Pretty blushing bride haha :)

The bridegroom, Derek and his brothers arrived at 8am..so we had the tekan session. We made them do pole dancing (pretty feeble attempts by the bridegroom!!), eat the sour,sweet, bitter,spicy stuff (lemon, redbull with sugar and coke, bittergourd juice and chili padi with garlic grinded together), and made Derek sing a love song to PX haha..
Then we finally moved on to the church for the church wedding..

5 jiemeis in matching dresses in diff pastel colors

Syn Min and me

Connie and Me - i really like Connie, she's so nice and friendly and funny haha..i didnt know her really well b4 this but after all the time we spent tog for the wedding, i really got to know her better and Theolynn and Diane as well haha..Very nice girls (:

Joel and Syn Min - matching couple yah?? They were the bridesmaid and best man.
After the church wedding ended, we had a lunch buffet and after that, me and syn min went with PX for the tea ceremonies at her house and Derek's house...super tiring i tell you! They gave so many ang pows and jewellery, my eyes nearly popped out haha...but i tell you its really very super tiring to have the church wedding, tea ceremony and wedding dinner all on one day haha..i'm so not going to do that for my own wedding!!
Finally around 4 plus in the afternoon, we arrived at the hotel and had an 1 hour to rest and do our makeup and hair for the wedding dinner...
We got this Taiwanese makeup artist called Dana to do our makeup. I got her contact from the bride forum and she's really good! I'm glad we had her do our makeup and hair, everybody looked good haha..And very affordable price as well cuz we negotiated for 5 pple..

look at my pretty princess curls

After makeup and hair - so pretty! haha (Syn Min was busy running around helping PX so she didnt get to take the pic with us)

Took some pics in the waiting reception area while waiting for the wedding dinner to start, which started around 8pm plus..

Shirley & me

Church friends..

More pics of church friends..

Me with syn min

After the dinner, we took pics with the bride :) she was so tired!!

The mums - PX's mum, my mum and Syn Min's mum haha..

Took a pic with mum while waiting for Kelvin to pick us up after the dinner..

See my hair so nice hahaha

Me with Kelvin (:
Got home at 1230am plus, finally slept at 1am! I was so tired that i slept for 12 straight hours and woke up onli around 1.30pm on Sunday afternoon lol.
But happy for PX, all the best to her and Derek!
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