Sunday, September 9, 2012


Found this blog post from my old blog which i wrote more than 5 years ago haha..its funny cuz i dont even remember some of the stuff i wrote !

Tuesday, 27 February 2007
My best childhood memoriesI cant remember a whole chunk of my childhood. Maybe I was too traumatized as a child and decided to forget most of the unhappy parts?haha..But I do have good memories..I remember coming home after kindergarden and happily watching Sesame street and other cartoons with my older sister and younger brother permanently glued in front of the TV set. I remember drinking Milo while watching TV, thinking that it tasted so good.

I remember playing in the corridors and playground at our old AMK flat with my neighbours. We used to play hop-scotch, masak masak with lego bricks, skipping with ropes made from red rubber bands. We celebrated our birthdays, Christmas,mooncake festivals etc (: Our neighbours consisted of a few kids: PX from next door (who is my old friend whom I still meet up with), ah Boy and his older sister a few units down the corridor and another older girl Ah Bee, and of course me, my sister and my brother. Those were the good ol days..I wonder how the rest are doing now haha.. I remember the three of us squeezed in our small but cozy room and me and my sis always complaining about my stopid brother disturbing us. I remember every nite, we would say "Last one to sleep switches off the light" and the last one would always complain lol..

We were not very well off but I enjoyed the times I shared with my siblings. Even if we didnt get to buy many toys, we made do with the toys we had. I remember having to wear my sister's hand-me down uniforms cuz we were both in the same school and me whining about it lol..I remember my brother tearing off my barbie dolls' heads and me went crying to my mum. My sis told me once that I stole some coins from my mum to buy something I liked from the convenient store downstairs when I asked her for money and my mum refused!horror, this i did not remember haha..I remember my mum bringing the 3 of us to the library and we borrowed tons of books every time we went. Only my brother borrowed comics like Little Men series e.g Little Miss Sunshine and Astreix etc. I loved all storybooks (and still do) and I loved our visits to the library. I think our mum is so great, that she fostered this love of reading in us (ok me and my sis) which up till now, we enjoy! I miss these moments in my life and one thing i've learnt: the older i become, the faster life passes by. And what we have are our precious memories to think about when we are old. Now that we are all grown up, and my sister is in Switzerland and my brother staying with my dad and me staying with my mum and grandparents, I wish sometimes I could turn back time.

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