Saturday, September 8, 2012

food and more food

Nom nom nom..Cookie Monster is here!

Isnt this cookie monster cute?? One of my colleagues made it and brought it to office to share with us. It is very very sweet though haha.

The other day, i just felt like having salmon so i just went to Isetan supermarket and bought this box of sushi..

Steam Sia

One of Kelvin's friends opened up this shop with her bf so we went to check it out. Its located at Little India..It's decorated like retro style..

Ordered this curry rice, the rice and curry is served in those old school style which your grandparents would use haha

the salad which we ordered was not bad..but it abit ex lol

PAUL Maison de Qualite

Met Sha and Christine (and her hubby) for dim sum at Imperial treasure at Taka, after that had tea at this new cafe called Paul which looked very parisian. It was pretty affordable which was rather surprising!

my cafe latte

Sun & Moon

Had lunch with one of my colleagues at Sun & Moon at Chijmes, their food is really good quality but you have to go during lunch if not it can be pretty ex! The lunch set i ordered was about $20 , the sashimi is super fresh and the mini ramen was good =)

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