Sunday, August 7, 2011

Darn it.

They approved the increase in transport fares by SMRT and SBS. I knew it lor, i was just telling my colleague the other day that we can predict what the govt will do. They will say its inevitable that the prices go up to cover their "increase in costs" however they will just approve maybe a small % increase and not the full amount so they appear not so bad to the public and throw in a few freebies/incentives for the elderly or students or something.

True enough....they increased it by 1%, and made it sound like so good..they didnt approve the full 2.8% that was requested. (See news) I think i can become a politician liao..

Pls lah...You try taking the bus and mrts everyday, want to vomit blood. You find yourself practically staring at pple's armits or vice versa if they are shorter than you when you are standing inside the MRT. That is, if you manage to even squeeze into the train in the first place. Usually you have to wait a few trains before you can board the MRT nowadays. My colleague was just joking the other day that she felt she almost got fed milk by this woman whose chest was right in her face (and wearing a low cut top) cuz it was so darn crowded.

if you look back 5 years ago, Singapore didnt used to be so crowded all the time when you took the public transportation. I rem i could even sometimes board the train and get a you are lucky if you can even board the first MRT that arrives at the platform. And why? of course you know the answer why if you are a Singaporean.

If they wanna increase prices, fine..but at least for goodness sake they shd at least try to improve the quality of the transportation services! (at least put on a show can anot?)

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